New iPhone by June 2009

I know I might sound biased, but now is really not the best time to get a Maxis iPhone.

And no, it’s not just because the blogosphere is buzzing with complaints about how absurdly expensive it is to legally own an iPhone 3G in Malaysia (which, to be fair, it absolutely is).

Nor is it because the iPhone still lacks basic features that even the cheapest dumbphones have had for years—like forwarding SMS, sending and receiving MMS, making video calls, or the almighty copy and paste.


The real reason to hold off? A newer, third-generation iPhone (not to be confused with “3G,” which was actually the second generation) is almost certainly dropping this June.

The Evidence: Why June 2009 is iPhone Season

  • AT&T spilled the beans—like an overenthusiastic cowboy at a campfire, they let slip that something big is coming.
  • The code detectives—geeks with way too much time on their hands have meticulously dissected every line of iPhone Firmware 3.0, unearthing hidden references to new phone models lurking in the source code.
  • Paul Schiller’s divine revelation—Apple’s Senior VP of Product Marketing (a.k.a. not Steve Jobs) hinted via his chosen prophet, David Pogue of The New York Times, that June is traditionally when Apple unveils new iPhones.
  • WWDC 2009 is set for June 8-12—Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference is the perfect stage for them to unleash all the pent-up coolness they’ve been secretly working on, sending Apple fanboys into a collective frenzy.

Put all the clues together, and it’s almost certain that a brand-new iPhone is dropping in June 2009. And if history tells us anything, it’s going to be hot, hot, HOT.

So unless you enjoy buyer’s remorse, wait a few months. Your patience will be rewarded.