“La Bodega is fully booked,” the usherer said impatiently when asked. I looked around and I saw rows of empty tables with tiny signs reading “Reserved” sitting innocently on top of them. Apparently, they had an event that evening so we were asked to proceed to The Lounge.

Normally, a place with a name like “The Lounge” brings to mind stuffiness and pretentious settings but it turned out to be a nice cosy place. The highlight of this place is the sofa sitting area that resembled a very plush living room. We didn’t participate, but groups of young people can be seen boisterously playing board games, burning the hours away with the rolls of their dices. As the night continued, voices which started as murmurs gained in volume because by then alcohol has seeped deeply into the souls of the patrons there, releasing from them, the thoughts, desires and fears that were normally locked by sobriety.

As for us, the adventure was more decent. We had some tapas, more than a few drinks, 2 and a half packs of Marlboro Menthol Lights and called it a night.