Welcome to my new WordPress powered blog! I’ve migrated to a new webserver (with my name on it..hehehe…) and will be slowly migrating whatever that is in my .mac homepage to this page.
So watch this place for more changes
the personal blog of C.K.Koay
This is a general category for stuff that do not fit in the other categories.
Welcome to my new WordPress powered blog! I’ve migrated to a new webserver (with my name on it..hehehe…) and will be slowly migrating whatever that is in my .mac homepage to this page.
So watch this place for more changes
This is my very first entry in this weblog, created using iBlog—a fantastic product generously provided for free with every .Mac subscription!
I believe blogging is a meaningful way to preserve one’s thoughts and personality beyond the inevitable expiration of the physical self. The ancient Egyptians believed that mummifying a pharaoh ensured eternal life after death. In a way, they were right. The pyramids didn’t just preserve mummified remains; they safeguarded writings, jewelry, stories, and documents from the pharaoh’s life. By studying these artifacts, we experience the essence of the pharaoh through the richness of the written word.
My goal here is to capture my thoughts as much as possible. What prompts an entry? Any of the following reasons:
Each pair is a contradiction—much like myself. Before this blog, I would store my writings privately on my PowerBook. Now, I’m putting them out into the world for others to read.