May the Fourth Be With You: Happy Star Wars Day!

The cast for Star Wars: Episode 7 was recently revealed by Returning to their original roles are Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew and Kenny Baker as Luke, Han, Leia, C-3P0, Chewbacca and R2-D2.

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The 13th Malaysian General Elections will be the most important turning point in the history of our nation, bar the independence of Malaya and the formation of the federation of Malaysia. For the first time ever, all 222 parliamentary and 505 state assembly seats will be contested. This broke the tradition of BN winning seats by default during nomination day due to non-contest.

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92.2% chance of Obama winning a second term tomorrow

Reading about the US Presidential horse race has been a past time of mine every four years since Bill Clinton took office in the 90’s. Being a keen follower of American presidential politics, the number to always keep in mind is 538. The US presidential election, like most forms of popular representative democratic governments, is not based on overall popular vote per se.

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