My eldest daughter dropped a musical bombshell: she wanted to see a band called Cigarettes After Sex in concert. For a girl who prefers staying in her room, proactively wanting to venture out into a sea of people is like a siput babi willingly leaving its shell.
Continue reading “Cigarettes After Sex X’s Tour in Kuala Lumpur”Rediscovering Sarah McLachlan: Fumbling Towards Ecstasy 30 Years On

It was 1994. I remember it clearly because I was standing in front of a CD rack when I saw her—this red-headed woman with a half-smile, staring right at me. Her right hand was resting on her heart, and everything about her, from her bright hair to her pale face, popped against this moody, dark background. The name “Sarah McLachlan” was scrawled on the side, right next to the album title: Fumbling Towards Ecstasy. Mysterious, alluring—it had me hooked before I even knew who she was. I didn’t have a clue what she sounded like, but I was the type of person who bought records based on a gut feeling and the cover art. So, naturally, I grabbed it.
Continue reading “Rediscovering Sarah McLachlan: Fumbling Towards Ecstasy 30 Years On”Best Music of 2009
Last year was a fantastic year for music. Below are my non-exhaustive favourites for the year:-
Spotify on the iPhone?
I’ve been using Spotify for a couple of months now and I have to say that is one of the best music service out there, bar none. Of course, when I said bar none, I meant bar none if you happened to live in the UK.
Unfortunately, customers outside the UK can only select from a limited number of content due to licensing restrictions. This has severely impacted the user experience of the service. I created an account (don’t ask me how) and was presented with an impressive collection of songs. After a few days, the server prompted me that it detected that I was “roaming” and asked if I wanted to change my country in my Spotify user settings.
I did that and I came to regret it as it removed more than 3/4 of the songs that I had put in my playlist. Drats!!!!
But I digress because the reason I’m writing this is because of this:-
Could it really be that Spotify is coming to the iPhone? How about latency over EDGE? Will it work the same way as the desktop client (ie. download music file to local harddisk and then obtain DRM play key from server for every play)? So many questions, so little facts.
Wow…I really can’t wait (even with the limited content now)