So I logged into my website recently and discovered I’d been hacked since 6th of July 2012. These hackers have been squatting in my digital real estate long enough for a slice of bread to become a thriving mushroom colony.
Fixing it was surprisingly simple. A few tweaks to some files and everything’s back to normal– “normal” here meaning “a website that continues to attract approximately the same audience as my post-modernist avant-garde dance performance.” I have to wonder about the hackers’ motivation. Did they think they’d struck digital gold? ‘Finally! We’ve infiltrated that random guy’s blog about… whatever it is he blogs about!‘
To my digital intruders: I’m genuinely flattered you considered my website worth the effort. It’s like finding out someone broke into your car to steal your collection of car park receipts and that half-eaten KitKat from 2007. I appreciate the validation, though I must inform you that you’ve been performing for an empty theater. My website traffic could generously be described as ‘immediate family members who clicked by accident.’
There is one silver lining to this digital home invasion– they left my original site intact enough for me to restore. That’s surprisingly considerate, like a burglar who only changed the lock on my front gate while leaving my TV, money and valuables in the house intact.
Was it professional courtesy? Pity?
Or perhaps they realized that tampering with my collection of poorly framed photos and rambling posts about nothing would be unnecessarily cruel…