Ah…the smell of the ocean, lush rainforest, relaxing spas, good food- what more can one expect?

Ah… the scent of the ocean, the lush embrace of the rainforest, indulgent spas, and delicious food—what more could one ask for?

Tomorrow, our company sets off for our annual trip, and once again, we’re heading to the beach. Come to think of it, allof our company trips have been beach getaways—a perk of living in Malaysia, where vacations are typically either up in the cool highlands or down by the sandy shores.

This time, however, we’re headed to the luxurious Pangkor Laut Resort. Ah, the very place where Pavarotti was moved to tears, calling it a vision of paradise or heaven. (How he knew what paradise or heaven looked like is anyone’s guess, but I’d like to think that overweight opera singers have a direct line to the Almighty, given how they dramatically gaze up at the sky while singing.) But seriously—it really is that breathtaking.

This won’t be my first time there; I visited a few years ago, and I can still remember the first-class accommodations and top-notch facilities. What’s new this time? The completion of the Spa Village. After reading about it, I can’t wait to experience it firsthand!

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