Hong Kong Pictures

I’ve revisited Hong Kong recently when Cheryl was there for work. The island state-within-a-state was how I remembered it: vibrant and loud. This time around, I had more time to visit the place on my own, armed with a camera, visiting and snapping up photos of sights and places in and around Kowloon.

We stayed in Mong Kok, a former seedy enclave of prostitute dens and gambling joints which has been transformed recently with urban renewal projects like the Langham Place (which we stayed in). The gleaming towers of Langham Place pierced through the skyline of crowded apartments and equally crowded street markets like a beacon of 21st century urbanity in an area that hasn’t seen much new development due to its proximity to the old airport. City zoning laws then didn’t permit the building of gleaming skyscrapers until recently and the Langham Place took that new liberalization with great stride.

The Hotel was a homely luxury, filled with a smell that is more European than Asian, perhaps projecting the uniqueness of this city island state in its embrace of Western modernity in the rise of Asian, particularly the Chinese ascent, in the new global equilibrium of trade and military power. Perhaps it is a foreboding of how China will transform itself in this century as it becomes more integrated into the world economy. As China embraces economic liberalization, so too will its cities. And like Hong Kong, its buildings, people and way of life will be infused with an intoxicating mix of Westernisation while retaining its unique Asian roots. Sort of like drinking French wine with Sprite or mixing expensive XO Cognac with ice and green tea.

I enjoy this paradoxical mix. I find it refreshing perhaps of my Chinese roots. Growing up, I grapple with how my Chinese heritage would co-exist with my seemingly Western outlook and thinking. While I embraced values like individual freedom, I am often reminded by my peers about the way how Chinese empires were build to last thousands of years on draconian and often repressive means.

Maybe, this is the way forward for Asian countries.

Asian countries will just have to build modernity upon the foundations of the old. Perhaps then, can a new Asian renaissance be dawned. In what form that takes remains to be seen. But if it is anything like Langham Place, I think that we are in for a pretty good ride.

Final Tokyo Entry

Sensoji, originally uploaded by CeeKay’s Pix.

I’ve finally uploaded photos from the final couple of days from our recent trip to Tokyo. It took a while because my PowerMac went kaput and I had to change to, urgh, a PC running Windows Vista.

It has been a while since I had used a PC for my hobby (I use a Windows notebook everyday for work, but that’s different). However, the applications that I used heavily for photo workflow management are the same across platforms (Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop). But I do miss the iLife suite of applications, especially iPhoto. In place, I had installed the free Google Picasa.

As much as Microsoft is positioning Vista as the advance leap for Windows, I’m really disappointed with the overall compatibility of the OS. Until today, I am still facing intermittent wireless networking problems caused by device drivers. My Belkin PCI Wireless G card had never worked properly since the first day it was installed. Ironically, to get the drivers for the card to work, one has to install the new driver and then (this is sooo funny) roll back the driver. This will work as long as you do not switch off your PC. If you do, you have to repeat the whole thing over again.

Anyway, back to the photos.

For this batch, I’ve decided to try a different look and to play up the mood and emotions of the photos. I’ve experimented with sepia and color isolation and I’m pretty happy with the results. Some of them were taken from the inside of the bus so the color is not really great in the first place.

A lot of work went in to prepare this photo introducing this post, Sensoji. I had to digitally remove some hanging power cables and tweak the clouds to be darker so that they complement the umbrella carrying people of the photos.

Japan Holiday Photos

Mt. Fuji from Mt. Komagatake, originally uploaded by CeeKay’s Pix.

I posted more pictures from our recent trip to Tokyo. It took a while to upload them because I had to clean them up in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop.

When I first downloaded the photos into my notebook, I was very disappointed because all of them were tainted with dust and lint, especially shots against a single color backdrop like skyscape.

Tokyo Trip

Japan Tourism Office, originally uploaded by компютри втора употребаCeeKay’s Pix.

Last month, Cheryl and I visited Tokyo for a quick break. I found Tokyo to be what I expected it to be: culturally vibrant, predictably orderly and possessing a never dissipating buzz about the city.

This buzz is nothing more than the gigahertztic pulses of information that course through both the wired and wireless veins of the city. While this information travels quietly as digital bits, zipping across the city, hopping from senders to recipients, Tokyo is generally a city where its people do not casually hangout in public places to chatter or share a laugh.

Perhaps technology is the underlying thing that makes Tokyo sane. It probably has been a force of liberation to its people after thousands of years of introverted self restraint on public displays of emotions. Ultimately, it may have fulfilled the need for the Japanese people to connect to one another meaningfully while maintaining stoic normalcy in their perception of the real world.

This can be seen everyday as Tokyo inhabitants safely navigate through seas of people in the crowded streets while their faces are buried deep in their widescreen mobile phones playing a game or texting with their friends. It can also be felt through the efforts that Tokyo put into replacing tedious manual labour through the use of machines to sell everything from water to food coupons but proudly reserves its highest technological showcase to robots that mimics the inefficiency of the human form.

Yes, Tokyo is a city of contradiction and conformity. A city where ying lives peacefully with yang.

Clear afternoon in KL

The Twins, off centered, originally uploaded by CeeKay’s Pix.

Cheryl and I were about to have a late lunch last Saturday at Yut Kee when it started to rained. I brought my camera along just in case if we chance upon a UFO because I wanted to capture high resolution images of these mysterious celestial vessels. These would definitely guarantee me a high level of interestingness in Flickr and also make us rich (buwahahahaha), but I digress…

Anyway, after the sumptuous meal of kaya toasts, half boiled eggs and belacan fried tung fun, the rain stopped and the grey skies parted to reveal a beautiful blue hue that is rarely seen in cloudy and hazy KL.

I snapped away and got some pretty interesting shots of the city. The photos I got contained no ET but I wasn’t disappointed.

The End of an Era?

The news that Mahathir had quit his political party is surprising but not totally unexpected. The old man of Malaysian politics had shown the world again that he is no push over and when cornered, will do anything to put himself on top again. This includes, to no certain extent, destroying the moderate persona that he had adopted during the last few years of his tenure as the longest serving Prime Minister of Malaysia.

His recent speeches and blog articles stating that a particular communal group in Malaysia is losing political power in Malaysia is a most disingenuous argument indeed. By rallying groups of people towards what he perceived to be a newer dilemma facing the nation, he has tapped into an issue that is sure to raise the political, and some say, racially temperature in the country. However, is this argument still valid today as it was twenty years ago?

There are more Malay lawmakers in the parliament today after the 12th General Election than there were after the BN landslide victory during 11th General Election. The addition in the number was made by the ranks of lawmakers from PKR and PAS. Even the DAP stalwarts know of the political realities of the land and has since accommodated this mindset, albeit after initial missteps, into the states that they are managing. Bahasa Malaysia is the national language and no one is challenging that. Islam is the official religion and again, there is no argument on that.

While issues like special rights and privileges will always provoke knee-jerk reactions regardless of whoever raised them, I believe that the Malaysia of today, post 12th General Election, is politically more matured and is able to see through the smoke and mirrors of political maneuverings.

Can Mahathir’s rhetoric gain traction in society? Depending on how the political winds flow, Mahathir’s argument can gain momentum if the Badawi Administration works very hard on it. That’s right. If the Badawi government works very hard on these issues, Mahathir’s movement can gain ground. The Badawi government shouldn’t over-react. By taking a middle ground with a more inclusive and moderate approach, they can win over the majority of supporters. They might take some steam out of Pakatan Rakyat’s increasing move towards the center of Malaysian politics. However, if they over-react and start to take hard line approaches, then the following issues will be sensationalized for all its political mileage:-

  • Position of Bahasa Malaysia: The teaching of Science and Mathematics in English was one of the last few initiatives that was pushed through by Mahathir before he stepped down. Practically, this is a good move for society because of obvious pragmatic reasons. Even culturally myopic societies like the French, Chinese and Japanese are equipping themselves with the knowledge of English to be enable their people to tap into the global world of knowledge and commerce which is conducted exclusively in English. There is movement right now, as signaled by the grumblings in parliament, to reverse that decision to safe guard the position of Bahasa Malaysia as the national language. This is counterproductive and we will be building future generations of Malaysians who will be left out of an increasingly integrated global web of knowledge and commerce because they lack proficient English language skills. 
  • Position of Islam as the national religion: The recent ruling by the Penang syariah court to allow a convert to “leave” Islam was seen by many moderates as a progressive step to give the religion a moderate face, vis-à-vis the other religions practiced in this land. This double-edged decision by the court, while favoured by the non-Muslim groups, can be used to create a perception of the decline of the religion’s supremacy. This issue can be politicized and the movement of PAS to the center will be hampered by this if it is not seen as championing the Islamic cause by being silent on this ruling. However, this may also hurt UMNO if they do nothing. And if UMNO politicians decide to suddenly rally around this and makes it to be a clarion call to gain supporters, UMNO and its relationships with other BN component parties will be damaged.
  • Position of special rights: Najib has made statements recently to the effect that people should question these rights to their own detriment. No one would rightly want the powers of the Malay rulers will be stripped or the special position will be revoked.  Politicians making statements about the erosion of the special rights doesn’t have to prove that it is being eroded. They just have to point to the expected storm of protest from other politicians, actions groups and blogs to prove their point by declaring that they can’t openly talk about their rights without invoking massive protest and condemnation.

All in all, one shouldn’t confuse the lack of support for UMNO as a lack of support for the Malay community. This issue has been raised over and over again by commentators and analysts. During the election night results, TV3 invited a panelist who had the audacity to proclaim that the opposition was anti-Malay. How did he arrive at the logic? He claimed that if one equates Malay to UMNO, then being anti-UMNO means being anti-Malay.

It has been shown that there is another path. Multi-racial politics as spearheaded by Anwar Ibrahim through his Pakatan Rakyat coalition. What is happening right now is a war of ideas on how best to move forward. UMNO and BN, while successful in the past have shown that they lack the capability to govern in light of growing global competitive landscape where information flows freely, where free markets select the winners and where being inclusive makes one stronger.

The general consensus is that affirmative action should be given to the poor and the marginalised regardless of race or religion. Notions of social dominance and racial superiority find no resonance among the people except for those diehards still bigoted over ancient and archaic forms of political ideolog“- Anwar Ibrahim in his recent speech outlining his New Economic Agenda.

Being a progressive, I personally welcome this new development and I excitedly look forward to a new Malaysia with a new progressive mindset that promises all a better future.