School PTM: Flash and Stress Edition

Parent-Teacher Meetings today aren’t anything like the ones I had growing up.

I recently attended the end-of-semester PTM for my youngest daughter. The process began a week before the actual day, when parents had to log in to reserve their time slots with the various subject teachers– on a “first come, first served” basis. It felt eerily similar to logging into Shopee at midnight during the 11.11 sale, desperately trying to snag that elusive RM1 microfiber screen cleaner.

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Who’s Your Uncle?

It wasn’t the first time someone called me “Uncle,” but somehow, standing at the butcher’s counter a few days ago, the title hit me like the twist ending of The Sixth Sense.

I was innocently asking for an inch of pork belly when the butcher called to his wife, “Please bring out the nicer pork belly for Uncle.”


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Scamming the Scammers

Have you been getting calls that go, “I am calling to inform you that your resume from JobStreet has been received. Please contact me via WhatsApp”?

Normally, I’d ignore this obvious scam. But yesterday, I decided to have a little fun.

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