Deadpool & Wolverine: A Journey of Snikts & Laughter

Marvel fans who have long awaited the reunion of two iconic comic characters will not be disappointed with “Deadpool & Wolverine,” the sole Marvel Studios release of 2024.

Fueled by an enormous global marketing campaign led by its two titular stars, the film faces the daunting task of reversing Marvel Studios’ recent critical and box-office slump while meeting the lofty expectations of both casual viewers and die-hard superhero fans.

In many ways, this movie delivers. It is a funny, vulgar, violent, and emotional buddy film, driven primarily by the on-screen chemistry between Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman. Emma Corrin and Matthew Macfadyen also shine in their supporting roles as Cassandra Nova and Paradox.

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Deadpool & Wolverine: The Hype

With the “Deadpool & Wolverine” movie hitting theaters in less than two weeks, the excitement is palpable. The film’s brilliant marketing campaign has transformed fan anticipation into widespread public hype.

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Of Marvel and Mutants

Growing up in the ’80s, I was swept up in the vibrant trends of the era, none more influential than the captivating world of comics, especially those from Marvel and DC. My weekends were a ritual of saving up pocket money only to splurge it all at the nearest comic shop in KL Plaza (now known as Fahrenheit) on the latest Uncanny X-Men or Wolverine issue.

With this enduring passion for Marvel Comics, I eagerly anticipate “Deadpool & Wolverine,” the sole Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) film for 2024. The stakes for this movie have never been higher, and here’s why.

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The End of Civilisation?

Classic liberalism is credited with ushering in the Enlightenment in Europe, a period that led to profound transformations in European society. This era, spanning from the late 17th to the early 18th century, witnessed significant changes in European politics, science, and philosophy.

These changes gave rise to societies that prioritized the pursuit of knowledge, the dispersion of political power, and the establishment of rational thinking as a formalized norm. This upheaval effectively rendered the old hierarchical power structures, rooted in divine authority, obsolete. Instead, a new hierarchy emerged, with individuals possessing knowledge and reason as the key constituents.

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Reflections on 2020

It’s that time of the year, when things quiet down, for a reflection of the year that was 2020. It is truly a unique and memorable year in many ways one for the history books. Generations from now, books (and documentaries) will be produced to try and figure this year out. Academicians and storytellers will try to dissect this year to distill its lessons and meanings for the future of humanity.

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Working from Home

It’s been close to 4 months now since we started working from home. Right now, we are currently in a 3-team rotation.

I love working from home. There’s no tedious need to travel, thinking about how to appear not to dress up while dressing up and physically showing up for meetings that have no particular reason to exist. Yes, life now tends to be more straightforward. Sure, we lose the “personal” touch thing but I do feel (at least for now) that this is somewhat over-rated. Or perhaps this is the inner introvert me speaking.

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