The “thank you” for our wedding post

I haven’t been updating my blog too often. Work load is piling up and I just can’t seem to cope with writing even thought it is one of the most therapeutic form of hobbies that can delay the onset of madness (I think).

First off, I want to thank everyone who had helped out in our wedding…2 months ago. I know, I know it’s late and everything but I am of the opinion that a late thank you is better than an eternity of silence which could be construed as ingratitude. We had the wedding of our lives and we are extremely grateful for your assistance and friendship.

Also, I want to thank all those who made the effort to attend our wedding. Again, I know that we had the unfortunate luck of having a wedding dinner in a place next to race course on a weekend. I thank all of you for the 30 minutes wait in your car during the last 400 meter stretch, competing with punters who have no lives but to turn up in an empty race course just so they can see the live video from Singapore or somewhere where people race horses.

Lastly, I want to apologize for the long list of friends and family whom we had forgotten to invite to our event. Have heart that you were never forgotten (but only during the hectic months that lead up to our wedding).

What does it feel like to be married?

It feels blissful. It’s the same sort of bliss that I would feel if I were to combine the joy that I felt when I bought my first Apple PowerBook plus when I turned on my first iPod, plus when I first heard the Harbeth plus when I heard that George Lucas is embarking on the Prequels (err, no, strike that out- the prequels were shite), times a thousand. No, make that a million. No, make that 10 billion kazillion mazilion. And to complete it, power that amount to a googol.

Yes, after 6 months of hectic planning, Cheryl and I are back to being boyfriend and girlfriend again, albeit, a steadier than steady boyfriend and girlfriend relationship. And that, I guess, is what really matters: a couple goes through the process just so that they end up having back the wonderful lives that they had been having before the “M” question is popped.

Cool Ad

Okay, so I’m a little biased towards the yellow mobile company brand as opposed to the red or blue (er, I  mean purple or whatever) but this new ad is just so catchy that I can’t resist linking it.

Expect lots of spoof to come from it.

Enjoy 🙂

London Honeymoon Picture

I’ve uploaded the first set of our honeymoon photos. This set consists of some pictures that we had taken in London.

Tower Bridge

We were there at the end of October but our wish to see brown trees were dashed due to an uncharacteristically warm weather.

Apart from that, we enjoyed our time there tremendously!

New Wedding Website

I’ve created a new website for our wedding! We’ll share our experiences along the way by posting updates to our planning and preparations for the big day!

Head to to see the site! This link is also clickable on the right of this site in the “External Links” category.

She said YES!

I was all nerves in the Petronas Dewan Philharmonik hall. I anxiously checked my breast pocket every 4 or 5 minutes. The “package” was inconspicously and safely tucked in the breast pocket of my newly tailored coat.

The baroque music was skillfully rendered by the critically acclaimed English Concert orchestra but Handel’s timeless classic was the furthest away from my mind at that point in time. My brain then was already processing at its full capacity as I played the scenario over and over again in my head.

Suddenly, the Handel piece that was drifting in and out of my head absent-mindedly came to an end. To polite but virgourous applause, the ensemble bowed and left the stage. It was the intermission. My heart started to pound loudly as the applause died and the lights came up. I asked Cheryl to see if she wanted to go out to stretch out her legs.

The moment was near and I desperately held on to my nerves. I walked her to the toilet and saw her enter. My heart was rattling in my chest furiously now. I heard the rushing of blood in my temples as they gushed from my heart to my head, pulsating, marking down the seconds before Cheryl reappeared again.

I told her that I wanted to go back into the hall to wait seeing that the foyer now was full of people. She agreed and we walked back to the entrance of the concert hall, hand-in-hand. Along the way, I have to consciously ensure that she did not lean too close to me to feel the concealed “package” that I was carrying.

When we got back to our seats, sweat was beginning to form on my forehead. Ignoring my anxieties, I recounted to her how long we had been with each other. I told her that she was the best thing that had ever happened in my life. I recalled for her the fun-filled times that we had spent going for holidays, waste hours talking about everything and nothing, selflessly sharing our lives while enjoying each other’s diverse hobbies. I shared with her about how my life had become more meaningful because of her and how she had made me see what true love really meant.

And as I said this, I knelt down along the aisle of the seat, quickly reached into my pocket and slowly pulled out a box that contained a diamond ring.

I asked her in a soft voice if she wanted to share the rest of her life with me.

….and she said “yes”.

And as the warm happy tears of joy rolled down our cheeks, I gently slipped the ring into the fourth finger of her left hand.

It was the happiest day of my life.