Liu Cixin’s Death’s End

Death’s End is the final book of the trilogy that was kicked off by The Three Body Problem. As I have just finished this book, I’ve decided to pen some thoughts and I would have assumed that you had already read no only this book but the entirety of the series. Be warned as there will be major spoilers.

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Liu Cixin’s Three Body Problem

Cixin Liu’s Three Body Problem is a highly imaginative modern science fiction story that spans multiple generations (or civilizations, once you start to get into it). The story starts rather graphically during the Cultural Revolution, the violent youth revolutionary movement that swept through China during the waning years of Mao Zedong. There, the callous actions of a group of overzealous youths of the Red Guard planted a seed in the heart of Ye Wenjie that would eventually grow into a lifelong resentment of the barbaric nature of humanity.

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