Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chome

After the much maligned Caprica, there is a new Battlestar Galactica series called Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome. Well, sort of.

According to reports, this series has been in post-production hell. Announced by Syfy as a new pilot for a series in the rebooted Battlestar Galactica franchise in October 2010, principal photography started on February 2011. A year later in 2012, the Greg Bear, the music composer for the series confirmed that he had completed the score for the pilot.

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92.2% chance of Obama winning a second term tomorrow

Reading about the US Presidential horse race has been a past time of mine every four years since Bill Clinton took office in the 90’s. Being a keen follower of American presidential politics, the number to always keep in mind is 538. The US presidential election, like most forms of popular representative democratic governments, is not based on overall popular vote per se.

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Invisible Obama and Phantom Tweeters

The just concluded 2012 Republican National Convention was memorable because Clint Eastwood gave a kooky speech while talking to an empty chair. Apparently, he was castigating an invisible potty mouthed Barack Obama who supposedly sat in the chair. Even before poor Mitt Romney took the stage to give his acceptance speech, the twittersphere was a buzz with snarky and often humorous tweets on the surreal “performance” of the Oscar winning, husky-voiced, octogenarian actor-director.

One of them is @InvisibleObama. He (or she, or they) started a series of funny tweets (often at the expense of Mitt Romney and the GOP) with gems like:-

When Mitt Romney says “Mr. Chairman”, do you think he’s referring to me?

I’m behind Mitt! No seriously. I’m right behind him.

Pretty soon, everyone joined in and even President Obama chimed in with this:-

This seat's taken.
“This seat’s taken.” tweeted Obama

Memes started popping up:-

Meanwhile, our own Communications and Information Minister (who has the dubious honor of a permanent hashtag of #yorais attached to every tweet regarding him) encouraged tweeting Malaysians to tweet between 8.15pm and 9.15pm on the 31st of August. The topic is should be about freedom, independence and…how grateful Malaysians feel towards “promises fulfilled” (which is the theme of this year’s independence day).

While Rais Yatim claimed that the massive simul-tweet campaign is a success, others didn’t think so when they analyzed the tweets.

Politweet reported a spontaneous need for 111 Malaysians to tweet about their bowl of Curry Mee in Queensbays Mall at around the same time in almost the same language on their Facebook page.

It is interesting to note the prominence of social media in our modern political arena. While one can control the message, one can’t control the medium (without being discovered). In parting, there is only one way to compare what happened in the US with what happened in Malaysia: While Americans are tweeting about an invisible president, invisible Malaysians are tweeting about Merdeka!

Stop 114A!

In a further erosion of our rights to free expression on the Internet, all Malaysians should oppose the newly enacted Section 114A of the Malaysian Evidence Act 2012.

This new law is unprecedented in the sense that the innocent are presumed guilty first and the burden of proof is shifted from the prosecutor to the prosecuted. This law has no place in a modern civil society and should be repealed.

More Information can be found at this link:

I got hacked and I didn’t know it

I checked my website after a very long time and was surprised to discover that I had been hacked from 6th July 2012. A quick fixing of some files resolved the matter and everthing is back to normal.

For the hackers, I am glad that you had deemed my website worthy of hacking but I’m sure that the effort went about unnoticed because, well, there aren’t that many visitors to this site.

One thing that I must thank you guys for is that you had left my site intact for me to restore.